Home Ethiopian Homecoming The #GreatEthiopianHomecoming Challenge 2022

The #GreatEthiopianHomecoming Challenge 2022

by Gondar City
the great ethiopian homecoming

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia –  Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has launched the #GreatEthiopianHomeComing Challenge which is aimed to bring 1 Million compatriots home ahead of the upcoming Christmas holiday.

The Prime Minister has officially called on Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopians all over the world to join the #GreatEthiopianHomeComing challenge.

The Press Secretariat of the Office of Prime Minister Billene Seyoum on Tuesday announced that 1 Million Ethiopians are expected to come home by January 7, 2022.

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed tweeted: “Ethiopians and friends of #Ethiopia around the world, join the #GreatEthiopianHomeComing Challenge: 1 million by January 7, 2022!”

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